Shopify Deep Dive: Third-Party Integrations and Shopify Full Check Out

Chances are that if you want to build an eCommerce brand you are considering Shopify as a platform option. This is because Shopify provides a powerful and easy-to-use interface for building your own store that strikes a nice balance between customizability and efficiency. While Shopify is an excellent choice for building an online shop for your products,  merchants still need to figure out how they will receive payments and manage order deliveries to get the business up and running.

For this purpose, Shopify allows merchants outside of Pakistan to receive payments through payment gateway integrations like Paypal and Skrill, however, these options are not available for merchants within the country. This means that local merchants look for contracting different payment gateway providers like banks or services like Payfast or Qisstpay. Individually entering contracts with different payment gateway providers can prove to be an arduous process. Therefore, solutions like bSecure, offer merchants a one-stop-shop solution that integrates multiple payments methods and gateways ranging from banks to Easypaisa, NIFT, JazzCash as well as Qisstpay and Payfast, in one seamless checkout experience.

In this blog, we will explore Shopify third-party payment gateway integrations and discover how bSecure can support you in running your Shopify business like a boss!

Cutting Costs with bSecure’s Shopify Full Checkout:

While online merchants don’t have to worry about paying for physical and tangible resources (i.e., the rent for their brick-and-mortar shop) to run their business they do have to, pay platforms and third-party service providers to fulfill their orders. This means that to complete a single sale merchants must buy the services of different third parties such as payment gateway providers, delivery solutions as well as banks, and platforms like Shopify. In this section, we will break down these costs and explore the solution bSecure has to offer with its Shopify Full Checkout.

For the purposes of this breakdown, we will be assuming that our hypothetical merchant has chosen the Shopify Main Plan and has been using bSecure before:

Shopify Main Plan Cost: $30 to be paid monthly

Shopify third party payment gateway charge (e.g., Bank Alfalah, JazzCash etc.) : 2% to be paid per order  

Bank Fee: 3% to be paid per order

bSecure Flat Fee: Rs. 30 to be paid per order

Delivery Service Provider (e.g., Bykea): Rs. 100 to be paid per order

By using bSecure Shopify Full Checkout merchants can now skip the Shopify third-party payment gateway charge (2%) and save on every order. Through this new feature, we hope to solve many problems that merchants face in completing orders and receiving money through one well-designed solution. For one, merchants do not have to run around and liaison with each payment gateway themselves. They can find Pakistan’s most trusted payment providers in a single package at our doorstep. Additionally, bSecure intends to make it easier for business providers to see greater ROI sooner. Therefore, Full Checkout helps merchants skip the 2% charges as well as provides them with the opportunity to display their products on the bSecure app. Instantly providing them with access to another vibrant and growing marketplace and audience without any hassle.

In the next section, I will delve deeper into Shopify Full Checkout and introduce other amenities that the feature offers our Builders. For a deeper look into what it costs to be on Shopify see our blog.

Is there more? Shopify Full Checkout’s Range of Features:

With 80,000 customers already registered on our One-click Checkout, bSecure promises to help you build your business. That is why our integration comes with Cash on Delivery and Robocalls for prepayments right out of the box. We also provide a host of other Value -Added Services, for a quick read Checkout the highlights below:

Delivery Under 30 Minutes, Powered By Bykea: Check out this link for more details.

Control How You Ship: You can add Area-based Shipping on your Checkout page. Making it possible for you to control how far and wide you ship at your own pace. Read more about this feature here.  

Choose Which Payment Gateway Appears First: bSecure Full Checkout allows you to construct the experience of the checkout that you need. Therefore, our merchants have full control over which Payment Gateway appears first, this way if their primary customers pay with COD, they can strategically place it first for a more seamless and frictionless experience. For more on Payment Automation read our blog here.

Make It Your Style: bSecure wants merchants to own how the checkout experience looks for their business. Hence, we provide our Builders (merchants) to customize the colors and logo of the checkout according to their themes and UX experience.

Communicate In Their Language: If you think that an English Checkout is just not cutting it, don’t fret, bSecure has an Urdu Checkout ready for you. Additionally, with Urdu Robocalls, our Builders can always be sure they are reaching their customers.

By wrapping a host of features together with a Checkout experience that isn’t only faster but also cheaper, Shopify Full Checkout is built to ease how you do business. Remember that Shopify Full Checkout allows you to skip many hurdles at once. You can avoid the hassle of dealing with many payment gateway providers as well as skip the trouble of having to design a checkout experience in-house. This means that you have an instant solution that helps you save by skipping the 2% you would pay Shopify for third-party integration. If you are as excited about bSecure’s Shopify Full Checkout keep an out for more blogs in this series or you can read more now on our take on Shopify costs here.


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Rs. 0
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