"If the statistics are boring,  you’ve got the wrong numbers.” – Edward Tufte, Visual Explanations

What is Big Data?

Our devices generate tons of data daily. This data ranges from User Generated Content such as photos, audio, and text messages to meta-data. Meta-data is most simply data that has information about other data, for example, metadata records details such as the date a photo was taken, the device it was taken on, and its file size, etc. Between data generated by us and metadata, the internet is chock full of data points that trail every user’s cursor across every webpage. Therefore, Big Data refers to the sharp increase in the volume, type, and frequency with which data is created, which is so expansive that it is impossible to process or analyze all the data at once.

From clicking on a button to downloading a movie, all online activity generates streams of data. This data can, in turn, be selectively and strategically analyzed to gain insights into people’s behavior online. For businesses, this means that data can give an insight into your consumer’s actions like when they are buying your products, or even more important when they are deciding not to.

What Can It Do For You?

While data is abundant, not all retailers can build dedicated analytics platforms to analyze it. This is because not only is the market of Business Intelligence and Analytics saturated with excellent off-the-shelf options, but also because, custom-built solutions require a heavy investment of time and resources by the company. Once built, a custom-built solution relies on the company to stay updated and recent, unlike off-the-shelf options. This in turn demands more investment into the tool. In comparison, off-the-shelf solutions like Google Analytics allow merchants an insight into the demographics of their website’s traffic as well as their behavior and profiles without hectic rounds of feasibility studies.

Such tools can provide your marketing department critical insight into how their campaigns and advertisements on social media are doing, as well as supply information on which channels work better than others. Despite the rise in internet penetration and e-Commerce in Pakistan in the last year, our research shows that merchants are still grappling with critical issues like cart abandonment and slow checkouts on their websites. bSecure’s study of consumer behavior shows that 45% of the carts are abandoned after the Payment Stage. This means that after all the work of procuring a customer, nudging them down the checkout funnel, none of it bears fruit, and the customer leaves at the doorstep.

Once enabled, Google Analytics can tell you where your customers are clicking when they land on your page, what elements grab their attention, and what made them leave. Armored with this information, marketing, and design teams can quantitatively evaluate how their plans are working in achieving their goals.

Data in Action:

E-Commerce websites that make use of Analytics tools can enhance your business processes in multiple ways such as:

  1. Shopper Analysis: Analytics can help you know your consumers, by building profiles or by observing the channels from which your consumer landed on your website. Analytics can help you understand who is buying your product, when, and how.
  2. Design Analysis: A research done by Baymard found that 12% of the consumers abandoned their carts because of “errors in the website” and 18% left because the “check out process was too complicated”. This means that at least 30% of all consumers leave their purchases due to design issues.

At bSecure, we have worked tirelessly to build a checkout system that is robust and responsive to your evolving needs. This is why bSecure provides a checkout journey that is fully integrated with Google Analytics. Our Builders can benefit from multiple insights such as :

  1. The Point of Abandonment: Our reports can highlight exactly what made your customers leave, this can enable design teams to work on issues such as glitchy buttons or tedious forms.
  2. Did You Make The Cut? An analysis of how many consumers entered the Checkout Stage can give you an idea of where the problem lies. If most consumers are not beginning the checkout process, the platform needs to work on funneling their consumers directly to this stage and improve earlier pages.
  3. Personalized Experience: Shopper Analysis allows merchants to truly understand who is buying their product. Knowing what channels (social media, website, ads, etc) brought your customer coupled with their demographics can go a long way in making you understand your market.

Understanding your consumers opens the avenues of targeted marketing, that allows you to raise awareness of your product/company in specific groups of audiences. This means that consumers see ads tailored to their preferences and your market to audiences, tailored to your goals. Research by Annex Cloud found that 86% of consumers believe that personalization has an important role to play in their buying decisions. Therefore, retailers can rely on their analytics reports to see what issues specific audiences are facing when interacting with the brand and address them promptly, gaining more conversions.

Data Snapshot

  • Pageviews: Pageviews is the total number of times any pages are viewed. Each reloads counts as a new view.
  • Sessions: Each session comprises of the consumer’s interaction after they have landed on your site and until they leave or show 30 minutes of inactivity. For example, sessions can contain multiple Pageviews and Events.
  • Events: Events are any activity by a consumer on your page that is not a pageview. This means Events can range from the button and link clicks to video plays.
  • Unique Pageviews: This metric shows how many consumers visited a specific page and does not contain any duplicate views by the same buyer.
  • Average Time on Page: This metric displays the meantime users spend on any page.
  • Percent Exit: For a specific page, this metric shows how many consumers left after being on the page.
  • Bounce Rate: Bounce Rate is most simply the ratio of single-paged visits to all visits on your website.
  • Audience Reports: These reports can allow you to analyze your traffic by segmenting your audiences by the technology they use, their geo-location, basic demographics, and more.

Responsible, Responsive, and Robust:

bSecure is committed to providing its builders with the best checkout solution in Pakistan. This goal means that we have not only built a seamless checkout journey, but we work to provide a platform that can help you stay competitive in today’s booming market. To achieve this, bSecure is built to integrate with Google Analytics. Together, these two solutions can optimize your checkout journey and provide detailed information on your consumer’s experience. You can view our guide on this integration here.

Our aim to become the best does not stop here, bSecure provides complete control and safety of Data to its Builders. We do not use, access, or resell any data unless a Builder expressly provides us the consent to do so. In order to sustain a trustworthy and effective checkout solution, we ensure that our Builders retain full control and access to their information throughout their time with us.


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